Saturday, August 1, 2009

No News is Good News!

Its been a while since any major updates. I'll be 31 weeks on Monday. I'm continuing to go every two weeks for ultrasound visits. At this point, there is NO evidence of fetal hydrops or polyhydramnios. Fetal hydrops is like congestive heart failure for a fetus where there is so much compression of the heart from other organs in the chest, that the heart has trouble keeping up with the circulation and fluid begins to back up to other places that it shouldn't be. Polyhydramnios is extra amniotic fluid that could occur if Andrew were to begin to have trouble swallowing and digesting the fluid. This can occur with CDH babies because the stomach and intestines are compressed in the chest rather than having more room to develop in the abdomen. Thank God that so far Andrew is having neither one of these problems!

As far as lung development goes, there are two areas of lung tissue that we have seen on ultrasound. The lung on the left appears to be bigger than the lung on the right which seems kind of crazy for a left sided CDH, but nothing seems to be predictable with this defect. I am thrilled that there are two lungs visible though and hoping for the best!

Gene is in Florida this weekend for his last weekend diving before Andrew arrives. He is having a great time and getting in some wreck diving and some cave diving! My mom is visiting from Florida while Gene is away and we are having a great time shopping for baby things, getting the nursery ready and seeing chick flicks! I will post pictures of the nursery once we get the wall paper border up- I've been told that is not a task for a married couple to do together- so we are going to hire someone for that part only. Gene had done a great job painting the nursery and putting the furniture together! It makes me feel so hopeful when I see it coming together like this that we will be able to beat this horrible diagnosis and be able to bring Andrew home!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky, Your ultrasound results sounded similar to mine. I'd love to share ultrasounds via email.. My baby's lung on the left looks a lot bigger than the one on the right. the sonographer circled it on the ultrasound etc. I started getting really excited. I showed it to the pediatric surgeon and he reckons part of what looks to be left lung is spleen. I hope in our case the sonographer is wrong. Even thought the pediatric surgeon is suppose to be on par with "god".
    My blog that I have recently started is
